MVA Alumni Association

school with wooden mountain view academy sign in front

Welcome to the MVA Alumni Association

The foundation of our alumni is traced back to the first graduating class in 1923, which had a total of 7 graduates. Since then, over 1400 students have earned a diploma from MVA, with an impressive 98% of graduates being accepted at colleges and universities throughout the United States and abroad. When visiting our school campus, please visit our Chapel to view the class photos dating back to 1923.

On this page, information will be posted on homecoming events and more. Please, join us on the MVA Alumni Facebook page and connect with classmates or former staff members. Also, please help us keep your contact information updated by filling out the contact information form.

If you have any questions or information to pass along, please email our MVA Alumni President, Rose Ecklund-Shimizu at:, or please join us on our MVA Facebook Page.

A Word from our Alumni President

Mark your calendars for the 2025 Alumni Weekend on Friday, April 11th, and Saturday, April 12th. We will be honoring the classes of 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 & 2020. Honor class or not, you are all invited to attend! Friday evening vespers begin at 6:15 with a light dinner, followed by traditional vespers at 7:30 P.M. Alumni Sabbath will begin at 9:00 A.M. with registration and a continental breakfast, followed by “MVA Today” and the “Main Session” -a program you won’t want to miss! Lunch will be provided afterward! A short vespers & traditional alumni basketball game against the current MVA Mustang team will take place at @7:30 P.M. in the gym.

MVA Guest Speaker-4/12/25

Alvin Chea is an honoree member of the class of 1985. Alvin Chea, born in San Francisco in 1967 has enjoyed a rich 40-year music career. As the founding Bass vocalist in the 10-time Grammy award-winning acapella sextet Take 6, and an “A” list studio session singer, Chea has been featured corporately or individually as an Artist or sideman in soundtracks. His talents have led him to also be a featured Voice-Over artist on TV & Radio, performing in everything from movie trailers and award shows to video games. In 2006, Alvin authored BassLines, an autobiography detailing his life on the road with Take 6, and is currently finishing up Mo’ BassLines its sequel.

Throughout his 40-year career, Alvin has traveled to more than 68 countries, performing numerous times for Presidents and world leaders from the U.S. White House to the Kremlin. In 2014, Alvin and his Take 6 bandmates were inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. But the “icing” came the following year, when they were contacted by the U.S. State Department asking them to go to Havana Cuba, and become the first Americans to perform on Cuban soil in over 53 years. He considers those to be just two of the many high points in a tremendously blessed career.

Everyone comes from somewhere and for Alvin, his someplace was the S.F. Bay Area where every morning for 2 years, he traveled down from Daly City on Caltrain to attend Mountain View Academy. He still holds those precious memories of deep lasting friendships forged by faculty and staff who lovingly built his foundation. Although he didn’t officially graduate from MVA, he still considers himself a Mustang and proudly steps into the fray whenever he’s called upon.

Hotel Accommodations

Aloft Hotel located at: 8440 E. El Camino Real-Mountain View, CA is offering MVA a group rate of $159.00 per night, which includes Wi-Fi, free parking (normally $15.00 per night) & water bottles per room. They will hold 10 rooms per night until 3 weeks before our alumni weekend-Book by 3/14/25- Call 650-964-1700. Be sure to mention Mountain View Academy at the time of booking.

Projects & Donations

We invite you to make a heartfelt contribution towards projects that will significantly amplify students’ learning and the Academy’s landscape aesthetics.

  • Gym Redwood Siding: $20,000

  • School Security Project-Fencing & Cameras: $100,000

  • Worthy Student: The sky’s the limit!

Streamlined donations can be made through our website at:

Or simply mail it to: Mountain View Academy, 360 S. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94041

Lastly, we will be livestreaming Alumni Weekend. Be sure to check back here or MVA’s Facebook group page (Mountain View Academy Alumni) a few days before our alumni event for the link.

In closing, please send up daily prayers for MVA @ 3:35 P.M. We ask that you please pray specifically for our enrollment, teachers, staff, and students who walk the halls of MVA each day.

Looking forward to seeing many of you at Alumni Weekend!

Warm regards,

Rose Shimizu ‘82

MVA Alumni President

Alumni Weekend

April 11, 2025 - 6:30 p.m. - Vespers & Light Dinner

  • Guest Speaker:

April 12, 2025 - 9:00 a.m. - Alumni Day

  • Guest Speaker:

  • 9:00 a.m. - Registration & Continental Breakfast

  • 9:45 a.m. - Main Service Begins

  • 7:30 p.m. - Alumni vs Mustangs Basketball Game


Alumni Information


Rose Ecklund-Shimizu, ’82

“To you, our extended MVA family, and friends, it is my privilege to get to know you better this coming year. To keep in touch, I will be keeping you informed of all the upcoming alumni events at MVA so you can choose to volunteer or contribute in a meaningful way in 2021-2022 to your alma mater. Please mark your calendars for next year’s alumni celebration- April 9, 2022! Let’s make sure to have lots of fun on this journey.”

Click Here to Read Rose's Full President Alumni Letter


Seasonal Alumni Newsletter.  Be sure we have your current address and email.

Follow our “Mountain View Academy Alumni” page on Facebook for a great source of timely announcements and great memories.


The MVA Alumni Association is in need of volunteers to help maintain the Alumni database, and social media page and assist in the creation of the Alumni Newsletter.

If you are able to volunteer your time, please contact the MVA Alumni President. Email:

Alumni Giving

Mountain View Academy wouldn’t exist without support from Alumni. Your financial donations to MVA help many students receive a quality Christian education that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience. Furthermore, these donations have helped in campus improvements.

Here are some ways MVA Alumni can give:

  • Through consistent, regular gifts to the Worthy Student Fund.

  • Through large gifts (including stocks) to our invested Endowment Fund.

  • By gifts of equipment.

  • By participating with meaningful gifts to our Capital Improvement Fund and specific projects, such as our Mustang Campaign (Goal of $85,000).

  • For more info (Click Here)

Our alumni website is a simple channel for giving monetary gifts. For large donations, we highly encourage donations by check to our MVA Office to easily receive tax-deductible donation receipts. Feel free to contact the MVA Office at 650-967-2324 or, for details.

Word from Alumni