Meet Our Teachers

school with wooden mountain view academy sign in front

Norma Flores

Norma Flores


Science Teacher, Class of 2025 Co-Sponsor, National Honor Society Sponsor

Work Experience: Former College Professor at Adventist University of the Philippines, Oakwood University, Southwestern Adventist University; Contract Professor at La Sierra University and Walla Walla University.

Education: BS Chemistry; Adventist University of the Philippines MS in Chemistry University of Sto Thomas Philippines, ; Ph.D. in Biochemistry University of the Philippines Los Banos:Dissertation done at Kansas State University

Started at MVA: 2021

Why I chose to be a teacher: Teaching is my passion and I believe God called me to be a teacher.

Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom: “Traveling with my love ones and friends and looking at beautiful flowers and plants and taking care of my garden .”

My Favorite Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5,6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not with your own understanding and He will direct your path.”

Laura Helms

Laura Helms


English Teacher and Class of 2027 Co-Sponsor

650-967-2324, ext.1665


Pacific Union College, Bachelor of Arts in English

Standard Certification Endorsement in English, and  Junior Academy History, Music and Religion

 Started at MVA: 2017

 Why I chose to be a teacher:

“I have always enjoyed school and wanted to be able to positively impact students’ lives like my teachers influenced mine. Education allows us to broaden our perspectives while also learning about ourselves; I became an English teacher because, to me, literature is one of the best means for education and reflection.”

 Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom:

“I love to bake! I am working on perfecting macarons and would love to get better at cookie decorating.”

 My Favorite Memory Verse is:

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.”

“This verse was on a little wooden sign hanging in my parents’ room when I was a child so I committed it to memory early on. I love this verse because it expresses that God is in control and that He will lead us through anything we encounter if we stop relying on ourselves and simply trust Him.”

Andy Lee

Andy Lee


Chaplain/Bible Teacher, and Class of 2028 Sponsor


La Sierra University, Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education and Psychology

Andrews Adventist University, Master in Divinity, M.Div.

Standard Certification Endorsement in Religion

 Started at MVA: 2019

 Why I chose to be a teacher:

“Ever since I was a Junior in high school, I knew that I wanted to be a School Chaplain. I always wanted to help the Chaplain or Assistant Chaplain with spiritual activities on campus. Also, I personally felt and noticed the level of influence one teacher can have in the school setting, and as a Christian who wanted to share Jesus with others, I thought getting in Education best combined my desire to teach and reach young people for the gospel.”

 Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom:

“Exercise / Nature”

 My Favorite Memory Verse is:

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

“This has been a favorite verse of mine for a long time since I have lived far from home for many years in my life, knowing God was able to be with me no matter where I lived has brought me a lot of comfort, and helped me grow in faith. It was a constant reminder that God was not limited to one location, but would be with me, and help me always, no matter what my circumstances were.”

Walker Lepulu

Walker Lepulu


Math Teacher, Student Association Sponsor

650-967-2324, ext.1661


California State Monterey Bay – Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

 Started at MVA: 2016

 Why I chose to be a teacher:

“Work with kids, be an inspiration and leader for them.”

 Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom:

“Spending time with family and playing music.”

 My Favorite Memory Verse is:

Nahum 1:7 – “The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.”

This verse gives us hope.

Kristina Ranzolin

Kristina Ranzolin


MVA Registrar, Librarian, Technology Specialist, UC Scout Coordinator

Master’s in Library and Information Science (MLIS) - San Jose State University
BA English, writing - Pacific Union College
BA US History - Pacific Union College

Kristina is Mountain View Academy’s Librarian, Registrar, Computer Discoveries Teacher, Technology Specialist, and UC Scout Coordinator. She is an alumnus of MVA and strives to play a positive role in the education of this next generation of MVA students.

Ms. Ranz’s favorite verse:
“I called out to the Lord from my distress, and he answered me; from the belly of Sheol I cried out for help, and you heard my prayer.” Jonah 2:2 (NET)

Ana Rosales

Ana Rosales


Art Teacher, Language Lab Teacher, and Class of 2026 Co-Sponsor

Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) - La Sierra University 
Bachelors of Art in Liberal Studies with a Minor in Fine Arts - La Sierra University

Started at MVA: 2010

Why I chose to be a teacher: 
To contribute to my community, like many teachers did for me when I was a student. As an art teacher, I like to foster creativity, beauty and exploration in the world that God created himself.

Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom:
Eating delicious food!

My Favorite Memory Verse:
“Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Andres Ruiz

Andres Ruiz


P.E. Teacher, Athletic Director, and Class of 2026 Co-Sponsor

Education: CSU Fresno - Bachelor of Science: Kinesiology (Physical Education) Fresno City College - Associate of Science: Biology

Started at MVA: 2022

Why I chose to be a teacher: To inspire students to live active lifestyles, with Jesus at the center of it all.

Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom: Spending time with family and friends, and playing sports.

My Favorite Memory Verse is: Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting”

Walter Schumann

Walter Schumann


Music Teacher, History Teacher, and Class of 2027 Co-Sponsor

Education: M.D, M.M, Master of Arts in Orchestral & Opera Conducting, Violin and Viola Performing at the National Academy of Music, Dresden & Leipzig, Germany 2001-2006; Verona, Vicenza & Florence, Italy 2009-2013; and 2003-2013 - Master of Arts in Choral Conducting, Viola Performing and Music Theory, Composition at The National Academy, Vienna, Austria and Sofia, BG, European Union. Holds a B.S. in Behavioral Psychology.

He visited and performed in more than 28 counties as the youngest government official appointed from the Ministry of Culture as a Cultural ambassador and performer.

Started at MVA: 2024

Why I chose to be a teacher:  I believe that the spiritual gift of teaching represents one of the highest vocations and opportunities for effecting meaningful change in numerous lives. The ability to impact so many individuals provides me with a profound sense of purpose. It is an exceptional means of reaching others with the message of Jesus, sharing love with all, and, above all, serving both God and others with love and kindness.

Here is one thing that brings me joy when I am not in the classroom: Performing music, meeting with friends and of course--good Asian food, a salad or a pizza …

My Favorite Memory Verse is: Psalm 121:7-8 “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” -- Throughout my life, and especially during prolonged periods away from home, my parents, family, and friends, these verses have provided me with great comfort. Having experienced several occasions where my life was spared, I believe that these passages truly resonate with me and reflect my journey as a Christian.